Welcome! to the municipality of Alleyn & Cawood

Municipality of Alleyn & Cawood

2021 Municipal Election

Click on this link for Public Notice of Election 2021

Click on this link for the list of candidates of the 2021 Municipal Election and the results:  https://www.electionsquebec.qc.ca/municipales/en/candidates.html

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Public notice of the poll english_Page_2.jpg

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SM9 Public Notice - non domiciled VA_Page_2.jpg

Here are the application for registration on the electoral list for non-domiciled for Sole Owner or Co owner

Qualified voter at an election

Qualified elector at a general election or a by-election

To be a qualified elector, you must:

  • be 18 years old on polling day,


  • September 1 in the year of a general election, or at the time of a by-election, at the date on which the writ of election is published:
    • be a Canadian citizen;
    • not be under curatorship;
    • not have been found guilty of an offence that is a corrupt electoral practice;

And at that same date (September 1st or date of publication of the notice of election), you must meet one of the following two conditions:

    • be domiciled in the municipality and have been domiciled in Québec for at least six months;
    • have been, for at least 12 months, the owner of an immovable or the occupant of a business establishment situated on the territory of the municipality.

An elector who is not domiciled in the municipality, but who is the owner of an immovable or the occupant of a business establishment situated on the territory of the municipality, must transmit a signed writing to the municipality asking to have his name added to the list of electors.

Persons who are co-owners of an immovable or co-occupants of a business establishment must designate from among themselves, by means of a power of attorney sent to the municipality, only one person who can be entered on the list of electors.


Information provided by: https://www.electionsquebec.qc.ca/english/municipal/list-of-electors/conditions-for-exercising-your-right-to-vote.php 

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